Organizer: Centro per le Scienze Religiose (ISR), Fondazione Bruno Kessler Location: Fondazione Bruno Kessler | Via S. Croce, 77 – 38122 Trento 17 Maggio 2018 | 9:30 – 16:30 18 Maggio | 10:00 – 12:00 I relatori presenteranno le loro ricerche attuali su comunità religiose e tecnologie digitali, indagando sia sulla questione di come le […]
Course Structure Shi’a Intensive Course comprises of 3 parts as follow: Academic Workshop This one-week workshop in Qom is designed to provide participants with the foundational knowledge, spiritual understanding, and critical thinking skills required to understand Shi’ism in the contemporary world. The workshop aims to connect scholars from a variety of disciplines and countries to […]
Asia remains the most dynamic region of the global economy. Growth in the Asia-Pacific economies is expected to slow down slightly to around 5.3 percent during 2016–17. China’s economic transition towards more sustainable growth is critical over the medium term for both China and the global economy. Due to poor infrastructure and geographic susceptibility, most […]
Middle East and North Africa Regional Architecture: Mapping Geopolitical Shifts, Regional Order and Domestic Transformations Külügyi és Külgazdasági Intézet / Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade Over the past decade, the MENA region has witnessed profound geopolitical shifts, prompting extraordinary levels of unpredictability and instability. At the domestic level, various deep-reaching social […]
Un nuovo sondaggio rivela che solo un quarto dei cittadini britannici appoggia la decisione del Regno Unito di lanciare attacchi aerei in Siria Elaborazioni da fonti: Independent, 14 April 2018; The Weekend Australian, April 14, 2018, 10:41PM; Al Jazeera, 14 Apr 2018 Il Consiglio di Sicurezza dell’ONU si è riunito alle 15:00 GMT per discutere degli […]