Archive for the Others Category

Pakistan – L’Emiro della Jamā‘at-e-Islami critica il trattamento dei prigionieri da parte della CIA

Elaborazione da fonte:, December 11th , 2014 L’Emiro del movimento teo-democratico Jamā‘at-e-Islami (Comunità Islamica), Siraj ul-Ḥaq Khan (a sinistra nella foto sopra, a destra il suo predecessore Syed Munawar Ḥasan), condannando il trattamento dei prigionieri da parte della CIA, ha detto mercoledì che vorrebbe sapere quanti Pakistani siano ancora sotto la custodia degli Stati Uniti nella Baia di Guantánamo e nella base aerea afghana di […]

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London, UK – 26th January 2015: “Iran’s Re-Engagement with the International Community and its impact on Geopolitics of the Middle East”

The Global Diplomatic Forum is organising a  round table on “Iran’s Re-Engagement with the International Community and its impact on Geopolitics of the Middle East”  on the 26th of January 2015 in London. The round table is an experts’ consultation to examine the different perspectives and scenarios regarding the re-engagement of Iran with the world. The round Table will be chaired by Jon Snow, […]

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The added value on the level of Islamic principles and alliances reliability by Glauco D’Agostino Turkey resumes its role, what’s due on the historical and political level, and that was denied a century ago. Let’s start with three current events to figure out what that means and which elements are to be considered: Last June […]

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LA TURCHIA DI ERDOĞAN VERSO L’ERA POST-KEMALISTA Il valore aggiunto sui piani dell’attendibilità dei principi islamici e dell’affidabilità delle alleanze di Glauco D’Agostino La Turchia si riprende il suo ruolo, quello che gli spetta sul piano storico e politico e che le fu negato un secolo fa. Partiamo da tre avvenimenti dell’attualità per tentare di […]

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Italia – Caso soldato israeliano: l’improbabile propaganda unilaterale della stampa italiana

La tesi del “rapimento” sostenuta dal Presidente del Consiglio al Cairo viene preceduta e seguita dalla testate italiane, in controtendenza rispetto alla prudenza della stampa internazionale. Così il giornalismo italiano (tranne eccezioni) interpreta la propria indipendenza   Oggi sappiamo che il soldato israeliano Hadar Goldin è morto dopo un’azione nel sud della Striscia di Gaza. Ma […]

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“The Politics of Empire”, a new book by James Petras

The US, Israel and the Middle East We received this note from Clarity Press, Inc. and publish it, in order to fulfill the task assumed by of witnessing facts and opinions on the Islamic world and its frequent fibrillations. The ongoing Gaza crisis between Israel and Palestine raises questions ranging beyond the contingent war issue […]

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London, UK – 12th/13th May 2014: “Global Energy Security – The Way Forward”

We received this news from “Global Diplomatic Forum” and publish here the featured topics of the 2nd Global Energy Security Conference During the two day Conference, participants will engage in sessions that will explore new and existing energy trends, challenges and creative solutions to address one the world’s most topical and challenging issues: 1. The global energy […]

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July 25th, 2014: International Quds Day

“Quds Day is the day for the weak and oppressed to confront the oppressors. Quds Day is a day Muslims from all around the world show their support for the oppressed Muslims of the world and in particular Palestine”.

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TURKEY – September 11-12-13, 2014: “World Islamic Trade Fair, IMEX”, and “World Islamophobia Congress”

We received this notice from DR. M. ŞAMİL ŞENSOY, IMEX 2014 PROJECT COORDINATOR, and publish it IMEX 2014 (Islamic Meeting EXPO),which consists two events with the support of Turkish Prime Ministry: 1) World Islamophobia Congress coordinated by international NGO’s platform; 2) World Islam Trade Fair coordinated by Domino Tourism & Expo; will be held on September 11-12-13, 2014 […]

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Bosnia-Erzegovina – 12 ottobre 2014: elezioni parlamentari

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3 novembre 2014: ‘Āshūrā’

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