IS THERE A ROAD TO PEACE? We received the following news from “Global Diplomatic Forum” and publish here part of the introduction. The forum is an experts consultation on the scenarios of security questions in the Middle East and North Africa Region. The Islamic State (IS) phenomenon was a cumulative outcome of several catalysts involving all actors within the region. […]
“The Quds Day is a universal day. It is not an exclusive day for Quds itself. It is a day for the oppressed to rise and stand up against the arrogant”. – Āyatollāh Ozmā Ruhollāh Khomeini Reported from Digital Resistance, July 8, 2015 Al-Quds Day is an annual event, supporting a just peace for Palestine, and opposing Apartheid […]
By Yousuf Ibnul Hasan, Program Consultant Islamic Banking & Applied Finance, IQRA University, Karachi, Pakistan* We thank Yousuf Ibnul Hasan for sending his very interesting articles on Islamic Finance and the riba issue to This is his third contribution on the subject: the other ones have been published on May 14th and 27th of the current year. Man and Economics […]
Elaborazione da fonte: BBC, 15 June 2015; La Lunga Marcia dell’Islam Politico, 2013 In una dichiarazione il governo libico di Tobruk ha affermato che Mokhtar Belmokhtar (nella foto) è stato ucciso nella città orientale libica di Agedabia. Ha anche detto che l’attacco è giunto dopo consultazioni con gli Stati Uniti. Gli Stati Uniti affermano che Belmokhtar è stato attaccato e […]
By Yousuf Ibnul Hasan, Program Consultant Islamic Banking & Applied Finance, IQRA University, Karachi, Pakistan* This is the second contribution by Yousuf Ibnul Hasan hosts with the purpose of highlighting the riba issue. Other articles will be proposed in the near future Purpose of articles to analyze concept of Riba free financial system to give basic information to […]
By Yousuf Ibnul Hasan, Program Consultant, Faculty of Islamic Banking & Applied Finance, Iqra University, Karachi, Pakistan We gladly publish this article Mr. Yousuf Ibnul Hasan sent us and which is taken from his book Magnificent of Islamic Finance. believes the riba issue is particularly significant, and intends to devote to it subsequent articles, with special reference to current experiences and specific applications in […]
LEADING THE FUTURE We received notice about this event from Mr. Younes El Ghazi, Founder and CEO of the Global Diplomatic Forum The Global Diplomatic Forum is organising the Fourth Edition of Young Diplomats Forum in Athens between the 8th and the 12th of June. The Young Diplomats Forum is a global gathering of diplomats and […]
Si è concluso a Fès il primo global forum dedicato al “Ruolo delle guide religiose nella prevenzione all’incitamento verso i crimini atroci” Riceviamo dalla CO.RE.IS. (Comunità Religiosa Islamica Italiana) e volentieri pubblichiamo Oltre 30 guide religiose da diversi paesi e confessioni si sono riunite per due giorni in Marocco nella città di Fez in occasione del primo forum […]
Il bahreinita ’Abdul Latif bin Rashīd Az-Zayani, Segretario Generale del Consiglio di Cooperazione del Golfo (GCC), ha detto in una dichiarazione che “respinge le accuse dell’inviato permanente egiziano presso la Lega Araba che il Qatar sostiene il terrorismo” Elaborazione da fonte: Al Jazeera, 19 Feb 2015 11:36 GMT Secondo Qatar News Agency, un funzionario del Ministero degli Esteri ha detto giovedì […]