Archive for the Far East Category

International Criminal Court – How much longer?

The contradictions of a dying and delegitimised body with political features by Glauco D’Agostino President Putin’s indictment before the International Criminal Court is not news. Let it be clear the legitimacy of a body established for international politics is not called into question, as it is always politics and rarely has to do with justice. […]

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Corte Penale Internazionale – Per quanto ancora?

Le contraddizioni di un organo morente, delegittimato e dalle sembianze politiche di Glauco D’Agostino L’incriminazione del Presidente Putin davanti alla Corte Penale Internazionale non fa notizia. È semplicemente una boutade. Sia ben chiaro che non viene messa in discussione la legittimità di un organo istituito per motivi di politica internazionale, che sempre politica è e […]

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by Glauco D’Agostino The first anniversary of the Ukrainian crisis worsening (war operations had already begun nine years ago) still registers two opposing fronts: that of Western leaders, assertive and insistent on the need for a just war as a resolution of international disputes, versus a pacifist front, incessantly committed for a diplomatic settlement action […]

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GLOBAL GOVERNANCE: STA ARRIVANDO IL MOMENTO DELL’ASIA? di Glauco D’Agostino Il primo anniversario dell’aggravarsi della crisi ucraina (le operazioni belliche erano già iniziate nove anni fa) registra ancora due fronti in contrapposizione: quello dei leader occidentali, assertivi e insistenti sulla necessità della guerra giusta come risoluzione delle controversie internazionali, e il fronte pacifista, incessantemente impegnato […]

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FBK-ISR – “Degenerations of Democracy”: A Lecture by Charles Taylor

12 January 2023 | 17:00 — 19:00 Aula Kessler Dipartimento di Sociologia dell’Università di Trento, Via Giuseppe Verdi, 26 – 38122 Trento Many have a sense that democracy is in trouble in the West today. But what are the causes of the erosion of the basis of a political regime that seemed to have no […]

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8 agosto 2022: ‘Āshūrā’

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T20 Indonesia – September 4th-6th, 2022: Summit “Strengthening The Role of G20 to Navigate The Current Global Dynamics”

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G20 Indonesia – 15th-16th November 2022: Bali Summit “Recover Together Recover Stronger”

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8 luglio 2022: Inizio ‘Īd al-‘Aḍḥā

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12 luglio 2022: Fine ‘Īd al-‘Aḍḥā

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NATO Summit: When a Caliph is worth a hundred dragons

By Glauco D’Agostino In Madrid, a Caliph compacted NATO. Think! On the one hand, a Caliph, a Tsar as a counterpart! Islamic World Analyzes wouldn’t have dared to hope so much. Instead, it happened. Actually, what did happen? Erdoğan and his diplomacy have put a weary Europe in check. Indeed, they put the gag on […]

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